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Missing Classmates

Help find our missing classmates! While we've located or accounted for the vast majority of our graduating classmates, we still have many for whom we have no direct contact data (email or street address), only indirect contact via a third party website, unconfirmed contact data or no information whatsoever. If you have any direct contact data for any missing classmate or other useful clue to his/her whereabouts, please email us using the Contact Us link.

Try your hand at internet searching! Here are a few free sites you can use to search for people. If you're searching for the right John Smith, you'll need to enter additional information such as city and state to narrow your search; but if you're searching for a name such as Rbkl Gizatfoing, the name alone should suffice.

www.whitepages.com - The telephone white pages online.

www.anywho.com - Another version of the white pages.

www.zabasearch.com - Similar to the white pages

www.intelius.com - The free name search returns data such as age, present and former residences and related names useful in searching other sites.

www.ussearch.com - The free name search returns data such as age, present and former residences and related names useful in searching other sites.

www.radaris.com - The free name search returns partial contact data useful in searching other sites.

www.google.com - Or your own favorite search engine.

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